Board of Nursing: Applications and Forms

Forms: All Nursing applications and forms are available below:

Certified Nurse Aide Licensing Guide Nursing Licensing Guide











Communication from the Division: The Division of Professions and Occupations' primary communication is via email. Please be sure to include your current email address on your application to receive important information about your application status and process.

License Expiration Bump Period for New Applicants: All new applicants who are issued a license within 120 days of the upcoming renewal expiration date will be issued a license with the next expiration date.

License Renewal Information:

  • All Registered Nurse licenses expire on September 30 of odd- or even-numbered years and are dependent upon the issuance date.
  • All Advanced Practice Nursing (APN) authorities expire on September 30 of odd- or even-numbered years. These must be renewed along with the RN license.
  • C-APN authorities expire on September 30 of odd- or even-numbered years and are dependent upon the issuance date and
    can only be renewed if the Compact RN is active with multistate privileges.
  • All Nurse Aide certifications expire on January 31 of odd-numbered years.
  • All Practical Nurse licenses expire on August 31 of even-numbered years.
  • View your expiration date on your online account. Please note that renewals open approximately six weeks prior to the expiration date.