Welcome to the Private Investigator Homepage
Important Notice
Per Sunset legislation the Colorado Office of Private Investigator Licensure has ended effective August 31, 2021, and licenses are no longer valid after that date. On July 11, 2020, Governor Jared Polis vetoed House Bill 20-1207: Concerning the Continuation of the Regulation of Private Investigators. In his veto letter, he cited the Colorado Office of Policy Research and Regulatory Reform (COPRRR) Sunset Review of this regulatory program and other factors leading to his action.
- Permanent Rulemaking Hearings
The (Former) Office of Private Investigator Licensure held two Permanent Rulemaking Hearings on November 1, 2021, that allowed stakeholder a final opportunity to provide testimony before the Director repealed all rules for the Office of Private Investigation Voluntary Licensure as required by Colorado Senate Bill 14-133 (Concerning the regulation of Private Investigators by the Department of Regulatory Agencies); and repealed all rules for the Office of Private Investigator Licensure in compliance with the Governor’s veto of Colorado House Bill 20-1207 (Concerning the continuation of the regulation of Private Investigators).