File a Complaint Online

Before Filing a Complaint

Learn about the complaint process by reading our Complaint FAQ.

Filing a Complaint

Complaints may be filed in three ways:

  • Register an account with Online Services and file an online complaint through your account. The benefits of registering an account include:
    • Making it easier for the board or program to contact you if there are follow up questions.
    • Allowing you to track the progress of your complaint.
    • Allowing you to view the history and status of any complaint you file through your account.
  • File an online complaint without creating an account.
    • You will not be able to track the status of your complaint or review complaint history.
  • File a paper complaint.
    • You will not be able to track the status of your complaint or review complaint history.

Although anonymous complaints are accepted, we encourage you to register an account or provide your contact information to help us thoroughly address the complaint. If we don't have enough information, the board or program may dismiss your complaint if they are unable to contact you for additional information, if needed.

If you have a complaint about your insurance (payment of claims, denials, customer service, etc.) please submit a complaint to the Division of Insurance

More Information

For helpful videos on Creating an Account, Filing a Complaint, What Happens After Filing a Complaint and more, you can review on our Informational Videos Page.