State Board of Licensure for Architects, Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors: Continuing Education (CE)

*Professional Engineers and Professional Land Surveyors are not required CE to maintain or renew a license*


Licensed architects are required to maintain continuing education to renew, reinstate, or reactivate a license.  CE requirements changed beginning the 11/01/2021 - 10/31/2023 renewal cycle. Please contact the Continuing Competency Helpdesk with any questions about previous requirements. The information below is applicable to the current and future renewal cycles.

CE requirements can be met by one of the following methods:

  • Completing CE requirements according to the guidelines outlined in the Architect CE Manual, found below, OR
  • Receiving a military exemption.

*Audits of compliance will be conducted after each renewal cycle ends.*

CE Resources for Architects

Click on the download icon after opening a link below to use the fillable version of a form.

  • Architect CE Manual: provides a comprehensive guide to meeting CE requirements and includes FAQ.
  • Continuing Education Activities Chart: lists the different types of activities that can be completed for credit
  • Continuing Education Rule Chart: lists the required number of CE hours needed depending on when &, how you received your license.
  • CE Structured Report: this form is to be utilized when no other compliant proof of content retention documentation can be obtained for the particular CEH. This form may not be used to verify attendance at a CE activity.