License Portability Program

For individuals with current, active licenses, registrations, or certifications issued by another state, U.S. territory, or foreign country, state statute allows application for licensure, registration, or certification by a process known as endorsement. On June 25, 2020, Gov. Polis signed HB 20-1326 into law. The new law removes the credential endorsement language for most of the professions and occupations regulated by the Division of Professions and Occupations, and consolidates them under the newly created Occupational Credential Portability Program.

The Program directs the regulator for the affected professions and occupations to implement the endorsement process in the least burdensome way necessary to adequately protect the public health and welfare. 

Regulators in the Division must grant an equivalent Colorado credential to an applicant with a credential in good standing from another state or U.S. jurisdiction, upon:

  • Submission of satisfactory proof that the applicant’s experience or credentials are substantially equivalent to that specified in the relevant practice act, and that the applicant has not committed an act that would be considered unprofessional conduct or grounds for discipline in Colorado;
  • Payment of all applicable fees
  • Compliance with any other requirements set out in the relevant practice act for the profession/occupation, such as passing an exam

The law gives each regulator the authority to set, by rule, what constitutes “substantially equivalent experience or credentials” in order to qualify for endorsement in that profession. Additionally, several professions, including the practice of medicine, nursing, psychology, and physical therapy are subject to interstate compacts which may allow for alternative avenues for practicing in Colorado under certain circumstances.

More information is available on main webpages for each program area.  Links to these pages can be found on the Division homepage.  Additionally, please see Frequently Asked Questions for HB20-1326.