Natural Medicine Health Act - FAQs

Which training programs meet natural medicine facilitator licensure requirements?

To qualify for licensure as a Facilitator, Clinical Facilitator, or a Training License, an applicant must complete a facilitator training program that has been certified by the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies, DIvision of Professions and Occupations. 

What is required to apply for certification as an Approved Facilitator Training Program?

Application materials must include:

  • Course outlines for every training hour along with an explanation of how that course meets one of the course requirements described in this Natural Medicine rules
  • Proposed program requirements for students to complete their practicum requirements
  • If the education program intends to offer consultation for newly-licensed facilitators, the application must also address the training program’s plan to satisfy consultation requirements
  • The time period within which students must complete the proposed training program
How many hours of instruction is an Approved Facilitator Training Program required to offer?

Approved Facilitator Training Programs must offer coursework of at least 150 hours on the following topics:

  • Facilitator Best Practices (5 hours)
  • Ethics and Colorado Natural Medicine Rules and Regulations (25 hours)
  • Relation Boundaries and Introduction to Physical Touch (10 hours)
  • Physical and Mental Health and State (25 hours)
  • Drug Effects, Contraindications, and Interactions (5 hours)
  • Introduction to Trauma Informed Care (10 hours)
  • Introduction to Suicide Risk (5 hours)
  • Indigenous, Social, and Cultural Considerations (10 hours)
  • Screening (5 hours)
  • Preparation (10 hours)
  • Administration (10 hours)
  • Integration (10 hours)
  • Group Facilitation (10 hours)
  • Facilitator Development and Self-Care (10 hours)

These hours and topics are minimum requirements. A program may offer additional modules or hours of instruction.