All Colorado licensed Psychologists must satisfy Continuing Professional Competency (CPC) requirements in order to renew, reinstate, or reactivate a license. Licensed psychologists will comply with the continuing professional development requirement by one of two methods:
1. The Continuing Professional Development (CPD) Program
- An optional Reflective Self-Assessment tool (RSAT) and establishment of learning goals.
- Development of a Learning Plan.
- Execution of the Learning Plan - accrual of 40 Professional Development Hours (PDH) through the Professional Development Activities (PDA) is required.
- Documentation of completed PDH.
- For licensees who obtain their initial license during the course of a license period, PDH requirements will be prorated at 1.67 hours per month, including the month the license is issued through the month the license expires.
2. Active Duty Military Exemption
- If you were called to federally-funded active duty for more than 120 days for the purpose of serving in a war, emergency or contingency, you may be eligible for an exemption from CPC requirements.
A detailed explanation of continuing professional development can be accessed in the CPD Manual found in the Resources section below.
**Audits of compliance are conducted after each renewal cycle ends.**
Select the link to view the form. To use the form's fillable fields, download and open it from your computer.
- CPD Manual: This document explains in detail continuing professional development requirements and the CPD program.
- Reflective Self-Assessment (RSAT): This optional form may be used at the beginning of each renewal cycle to reflect on your practice and create learning goals to be completed throughout the renewal cycle. Save your completed form either electronically or in paper format, it will not be sent to the Board.
- Learning Plan: This form is to be used to record learning goals, Professional Development Activities (PDA) and the completion of your Professional Development Hours (PDH). Save a completed copy electronically or in paper format. This form will be collected for the purposes of audit, but it should not be submitted unless specifically requested.
- PDA Chart: This document summarizes the Professional Development Activities (PDA) that you can choose from to complete the required PDH. It is important that you read the CPD Manual for a detailed explanation of each category and documentation requirements.