Colorado Dental Board
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Dental HOME

Welcome to the Dental Homepage

The Colorado Dental Board regulates and licenses dentists and dental hygienists. The Board does not regulate or require the registration of dental assistants or expanded duty dental assistants. The Board also does not license based upon specialty.

The mission of the Colorado Dental Board is to safeguard the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Colorado by developing and maintaining rules and policies to ensure that only qualified persons are licensed to provide dental care and that violators of the laws and rules regulating dentistry are sanctioned as appropriate. Board activities include licensing dentists and dental hygienists, investigating complaints about the licensed and unlicensed practice of dentistry and dental hygiene, disciplining those who violate the law and/or the Board's Rules and make, amend, and adopt reasonable rules and regulations governing the conduct of dentists and dental hygienists. The Board is made up of thirteen members: six dentists, three dental hygienists and three public members.

The Colorado Office of Policy, Research and Regulatory Reform is currently conducting a sunset review of the Dental Board. Analysis is performed to determine if the Board is necessary and should be continued, modified, or repealed.  To provide input on this review, please visit COPRRR's website.

Program Information

Program/Board Members

Yukon Morford, Program Director

Colorado Dental Board 
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303-894-7800  |  Fax: 303-894-0144  |  Email:

Nancy Gill, DDS, MS, Board Chair
Professional Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2029

Nicholas Politano, DDS, MS, Board Vice Chair
Professional Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2028

Panel A:

  • Jamie Marquez, DMD, Panel Chair
    Professional Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2026
  • Ashley Ridilla, RDH,  Panel Vice Chair
    Professional Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2027
  • Colleen Lampron, MPH
    Public Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2026
  • Dan Hoang, DMD
    Professional Member |Term Expires: January 1, 2028
  • Bahar Esmaili, DDS
    Professional Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2029
  • Michael Simone, DC
    Public Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2029

Panel B:

  • Sadaf Khalid, DMD, Panel Chair
    Professional Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2027
  • Willie Johnson, RDH, Panel Vice Chair
    Professional Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2029
  • Nicholas Politano, DDS
    Professional Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2028
  • Jankee Bhatt, RDH
    Professional Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2029
  • Sophia Khan, DDS, MS
    Professional Member | Term Expires: January 1, 2029
  • Colleen Grafa, DSc
    Public Member| Term Expires: January 1, 2027

Anesthesia Application Consultant Committee:

  • Lauren Basile, DDS
    Term Expires: January 1, 2029
  • Taylor Clark, DDS
    Term Expires: January 1, 2027
  • Jeremy Jannuzzi, DMD
    Term Expires: January 1, 2026
  • Sara Weinstein, DDS
    Term Expires: January 1, 2026
  • Bridger Jensen, DDS
    Term Expires: May 2, 2028
Public Notices

Dental Board

Legislative Updates
Meeting Minutes

Full Board Meeting Minutes

Panel A Meeting Minutes

Panel B Meeting Minutes