Please note that these statutes are provided in this format for your convenience only. You may always find the most current version of the Colorado Revised Statutes online via the Colorado Statute Manager.
- Articles 1 & 20: General Provisions
- Article 30: Provisions Applicable to Health Care Professions & Occupations
- Dentist and Dental Hygienist Practice Act
Legislation passed in 2014 made significant changes to the Dentist and Dental Hygienists Practice Act. Please see HB14-1227 to review specific changes to the law.
Rules and Regulations
This unofficial online version of regulations is the most current version available. For the official publication of all State of Colorado regulations, please consult the Code of Colorado Regulations on the Secretary of State's website.
- Radiology Education and Training for Dental Assistants
Pursuant to Board Rule regarding Minimum Standards for Qualifications, Training and Education for Unlicensed Personnel Exposing Patients to Ionizing Radiation, all unlicensed dental personnel who expose patients to ionizing radiation must successfully complete minimum safety education and training for operating machine sources of ionizing radiation and administering such radiation to patients.
Please review Board Rule for specific information regarding accepted education and training programs and written verification standards for documentation of the education and training required for unlicensed personnel.
The Colorado State Board has approved an educational video that is jointly sponsored by the Colorado Dental Association (CDA) and the University of Colorado School of Dentistry. This video is available on DVD or VHS. For purchasing information, please contact the CDA at 303-740-6900, 1-800-343-3010 ext. 100, or at