Office of Naturopathic Doctor Registration: Applications and Forms

Registration & Application FAQ

Q: Which application should I use?

A: Two applications for original registration are available, and the fee is the same for both.

Application for Registration by Examination - Use this application if you do not hold an active license, certificate, or registration to practice as a naturopathic doctor in another state or jurisdiction, or if you hold an expired credential in another state or jurisdiction. Application for Registration by Endorsement - Use this application if you hold an active license, certificate, or registration to practice as a naturopathic doctor in another state or jurisdiction.

Q: I do not have a baccalaureate degree. What can I use as a substitute?

A: Director Rule 10 allows an applicant to demonstrate completion of a four-year post-graduate level didactic and supervised clinical education program as a substitute for a baccalaureate degree. A doctor of naturopathic medicine or doctor of naturopathy degree may also be used as a substitute for a baccalaureate degree.

Applicants utilizing a substitute may click "No" on the application question asking about a baccalaureate degree and will proceed directly to the screen where a doctor of naturopathic medicine or doctor of naturopathy degree may be entered.

Q: Where should I send my college transcripts? Should they be official or unofficial transcripts?

Baccalaureate degree - official or unofficial transcripts are accepted to demonstrate the completion of a baccalaureate degree. Transcripts should be scanned and uploaded to the application, original paper transcripts or copies do not need to be sent to the Division. Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine or Doctor of Naturopathy degree - only official transcripts are accepted to demonstrate the completion of either degree. Transcripts that clearly state "official" should be scanned and uploaded to the application, original paper transcripts or copies do not need to be sent to the Division.

Q: Where should I send my NPLEX transcripts?

A: Scores for the Naturopathic Physician Licensing Exam (NPLEX) may be requested from the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE) by visiting the NABNE website.

Send NPLEX scores to:

Division of Professions and Occupations
Office of Licensing
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
Denver, CO 80202

Q: What are the approved naturopathic medical programs to qualify for registration?

A: Completion of a degree approved by the Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME) is required for registration. Currently, the following schools are CNME approved and therefore satisfy the requirement for registration:

Bastyr University (BU): Kenmore, WA; Bastyr University California (BUC): San Diego, CA; Boucher Institute of Naturopathic Medicine (BINM): New Westminster, British Columbia; Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM): Toronto, Ontario; National College of Natural Medicine (NCNM): Portland, OR; National University of Health Sciences (NUHS): Lombard, IL; Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine (SCNM): Tempe, AZ; University of Bridgeport - College of Naturopathic Medicine (UBCNM): Bridgeport, CT

Q: I graduated before 1986 and did not take the NPLEX exam. What should I do?

A: Currently, there is no approved alternative to the NPLEX exam.Scores for the Naturopathic Physician Licensing Exam (NPLEX)

Scores for the Naturopathic Physician Licensing Exam (NPLEX)

NPLEX transcripts demonstrating a passing score must be sent to the Division from the North American Board of Naturopathic Examiners (NABNE).

Professional Liability Insurance

You must obtain professional liability insurance. As part of the application for registration, you will be required to verify insurance before seeing patients on or after June 1, 2014. Other information or documentation may be required as part of your application. If you have questions, please contact dora_naturopathic_doctors@state.co.us or call 303-894-7730.

Naturopathic Doctor Applications and Forms


Naturopathic Doctor Licensing Guide

Disclosure & Consent Forms

Communication from the Division: The Division of Professions and Occupations' primary communication is via email. Please be sure to include your current email address on your application to receive important information about your application status and process.

License Expiration Bump Period for New Applicants: All new applicants who are issued a license within 120 days of the upcoming renewal expiration date will be issued a license with the next expiration date.

License Renewal Information: All Naturopathic Doctor registrations expire on June 30 every year. View your expiration date on your online account. Please note that renewals open approximately six weeks prior to the expiration date.