Colorado Office of Outfitters Registration

Outfitter HOME

Welcome to the Outfitter Homepage

The Office of Outfitters Registration registers and regulates individuals and entities that practice in the State of Colorado as Outfitters, defined as "the taking or attempted taking of wildlife" on land that an Outfitter does not own. Registration for Outfitters is mandatory in Colorado. 

The Office does not issue hunting or fishing permits and does not regulate other outdoor activities on public land. Office activities include registration, investigation of complaints, determination of discipline, and enforcement of discipline for violators of the Colorado Statutes and the Office of Outfitters Registration Rules. The Office is a Director-model program with a five-member advisory committee comprised of registered outfitters, law enforcement, and a public member who provide recommendations to the Division Director.
The Office works with several state and federal agencies including Colorado Parks & Wildlife, the Bureau of Land Management, and the United States Forest Service in order to share vital information about unregistered outfitters and violations of other agency laws. The Office also works with the Colorado Outfitters Association (COA). For information regarding hunting and/or fishing licenses, please contact Colorado Parks & Wildlife at 303-297-1192.

Off-road and/or jeep tours are not governed by the Office.  Please contact the Public Utilities Commission -Transportation section for more information. 

Program Information

Advisory Committee

Ofelia Duran, Program Director

Office of Outfitters Registration
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
Denver, CO 80202

Phone: 303-894-7800  |  Fax: 303-894-2310  |  Email:

Advisory Committee:

  • Kirk Oldham
    CPW Agency Representative
    Grand Junction, CO
  • Vacant Professional Position
    Professional Member
  • Tawny Halandras
    Professional Member
    Meeker, CO
  • Andrew Petersen
    Professional Member
    Dillon, CO
  • Jeffrey Dreyer
    Public Member
    Co Springs, CO


Public Notices

Permanent Rulemaking Hearing – December 8, 2023

The purpose of this Permanent Rulemaking Hearing is to allow stakeholders a final opportunity to testify before the Director determines whether to repeal, on a permanent basis, Rule 1.12 - PROTECTING COLORADO’S WORKFORCE AND EXPANDING LICENSING OPPORTUNITIES to implement Colorado Senate Bill 23-265 (Concerning a Prohibition on a Regulator Imposing Discipline Against a Person Based on Certain Activities Involving Marijuana).


Implementation of Colorado Senate Bill 23-265

What is this about?

The following Boards and Programs within the Division of Professions and Occupations are requesting written comments regarding the implementation of Colorado Senate Bill 23-265 (CONCERNING A PROHIBITION ON A REGULATOR IMPOSING DISCIPLINE AGAINST A PERSON BASED ON CERTAIN ACTIVITIES INVOLVING MARIJUANA), and the proposed repeal of the Board and Program rules that are no longer necessary after the codification of these regulations into law. 

Each of the listed Boards and Programs below will hold a Permanent Rulemaking Hearing on the dates below to determine whether to repeal the rules on a permanent basis to implement the law.  Please submit written comments as soon as possible. The Boards and Programs will continue to accept written comments until the Permanent Rulemaking Hearings where stakeholders will be given a final opportunity to testify before the Board and/or the Director or Director's designee. Please visit the Board and Program websites under the "Public Notices" tab for the most current information, including webinar registration information, written comments, and the draft rules. 

Legislative Updates
Meeting Minutes