Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board: News

March 17, 2023 Fixed Grip Quad (BR054) Incident


Loveland Ski Area Incident Report - January 16, 2018

The office of the Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board conducted an investigation regarding the December 28, 2017incident at Loveland Ski Area. The investigation is complete and the report complies with sections 25-5-704(b) and 25-5-715(4) of the Colorado Revised Statutes ("C.R.S.") and the Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board Rule 23.3. The investigative report is being released to the public through posting of the report on the Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board on this webpage.

This report was prepared in furtherance of the Board's duty to investigate and report as set forth in sections 25-5-704(b) and 25-5-715(4), C.R.S., and Board Rule 23.3, and does not, in and of itself, resolve any future disciplinary complaints regarding the December 28, 2017 incident. All Media requests and inquiries should be submitted to Public Information Officer Lee Rasizer atlee.rasizer@state.co.us.


Ski Granby Ranch Incident Report - May 10, 2017

The Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board today considered the report of investigation regarding the December 29, 2016incident at Ski Granby Ranch. It was the decision of the Board that the investigation is complete and complies with sections 25-5-704(b) and 25-5-715(4) of the Colorado Revised Statutes ("C.R.S.") and the Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board Rule 23.3. The investigative report regarding the fatality will be released to the public this afternoon through posting of the report on the Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board on this webpage.

This report was prepared in furtherance of the Board's duty to investigate and report as set forth in sections 25-5-704(b) and 25-5-715(4), C.R.S., and Board Rule 23.3, and does not, in and of itself, resolve any pending disciplinary complaints regarding the December 29, 2016 incident. Board Case No. 2017-97 remains under investigation for possible violations of the Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Practice Act. All Media requests and inquiries should be submitted to Public Information Officer Lee Rasizer at lee.rasizer@state.co.us.