Welcome to the Surgical Assistant and Surgical Technologist Homepage
The Office of Surgical Assistant and Surgical Technologist Registration regulates individuals that perform the duties of a surgical assistant or surgical technologist. Program activities include registering individuals who will be performing these job duties in the State of Colorado, investigating complaints against Surgical Assistants and Surgical Technologists (including those practicing without a registration), and enforcing disciplinary actions against violators of the statute and/or program rules.
The Office is a director model program and has no Board. The Director of the Division of Professions and Occupations, or his or her designee, has the authority to make decisions for the program.
Program Information
- Public Notices
Permanent Rulemaking Hearing - October 3, 2023
The purpose of this Permanent Rulemaking Hearing is to allow stakeholders a final opportunity to testify before the Director determines whether to repeal on a permanent basis Rule 1.11 - PROTECTIONS FOR PROVISION OF REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH CARE IN COLORADO to implement Colorado Senate Bill 23-188 (Concerning Protections for Accessing Reproductive Health Care) and Rule 1.12 - PROTECTING COLORADO’S WORKFORCE AND EXPANDING LICENSING OPPORTUNITIES to implement Colorado Senate Bill 23-265 (Concerning a Prohibition on a Regulator Imposing Discipline Against a Person Based on Certain Activities Involving Marijuana).
- Tuesday, October 3, 2023, at 11:45 A.M. (MDT)
- Permanent Rulemaking Hearing Notice
- Draft Rules
- Written comments regarding SB23-188 (Links will be updated as comments are received.)
- Written comments regarding SB23-265 (Links will be updated as comments are received.)
Implementation of Colorado Senate Bills 23-188 and 23-265What is this about?
The following Boards and Programs within the Division of Professions and Occupations are requesting written comments regarding the implementation of Colorado Senate Bills 23-188 (CONCERNING A PROHIBITION ON A REGULATOR IMPOSING DISCIPLINE AGAINST A PERSON BASED ON CERTAIN ACTIVITIES INVOLVING MARIJUANA) and 23-265 (CONCERNING A PROHIBITION ON A REGULATOR IMPOSING DISCIPLINE AGAINST A PERSON BASED ON CERTAIN ACTIVITIES INVOLVING MARIJUANA), and the proposed repeal of the Board and Program rules that are no longer necessary after the codification of these regulations into law.
Each of the listed Boards and Programs will hold a Permanent Rulemaking Hearing on the dates listed to determine whether to repeal the rules on a permanent basis to implement the law. Please submit written comments as soon as possible. The Boards and Programs will continue to accept written comments until the Permanent Rulemaking Hearings where stakeholders will be given a final opportunity to testify before the Board and/or the Director or Director's designee. Please visit the Board and Program websites under the "Public Notices" tab for the most current information, including webinar registration information, written comments (SB23-188 and SB23-265), and the draft rules.
Permanent Rulemaking Hearing - September 23, 2022
The Office of Surgical Assistant & Surgical Technologist Registration will hold a Permanent Rulemaking Hearing to allow stakeholders a final opportunity to provide testimony before the Director considers adopting revisions to Rule 1.9, to implement Colorado House Bill 22-1284 (Concerning updates to state surprise billing laws to facilitate the implementation of surprise billing protections, and aligning state law with the federal "No Surprises Act"); and permanently adopting Rules 1.11 and 1.12, to implement Executive Orders D 2022-032 (Directing State Agencies to Protect Access to Reproductive Health Care in Colorado), and D 2022-034 (Protecting Colorado’s Workforce and Expanding Licensing Opportunities).
- Friday, September 23, 2022, at 2:00 P.M. (MDT)
- Notice, Draft Rules, HB22-1284, EO D 2022-032, EO D 2022-034, and Written Comments
- HB22-1284 Joint Stakeholder Meeting: August 12, 2022
Implementation of Executive Orders D 2022 032 and D 2022 034
The Division of Professions and Occupations' held a Joint Stakeholder Meeting for all Boards and Programs that allowed stakeholders an opportunity to provide feedback, and help develop new rules to implement the directives of Executive Order D-2022-034 (Protecting Colorado’s Workforce and Expanding Licensing Opportunities).
- (EO D-2022-034) Joint Stakeholder Meeting: July 29, 2022
- Notice and EO D-2022-034
- Stakeholder Comments
- Emergency Rules effective August 15, 2022
The Division of Professions and Occupations' held a Joint Stakeholder Meeting for all healthcare Boards and Programs that allowed stakeholders an opportunity to provide feedback, and help develop new rules to implement the directives of Executive Order D-2022-032 (Directing State Agencies to Protect Access to Reproductive Health Care in Colorado).
- Joint Stakeholder Meeting: July 22, 2022
- Notice and EO D-2022-032
- Stakeholder Comments
- Emergency Rules effective August 15, 2022
- Legislative Updates
- Program Information
Zen Mayhugh, Program Director
Office of Surgical Assistant and Surgical Technologist Registration
1560 Broadway, Suite 1350
Denver, CO 80202Phone: 303-894-7800 | Fax: 303-894-2821 | Email: dora_surgassist_surgtech@state.co.us