State Board of Optometry: Military/Veteran Licensing

The pathway to licensure for individuals who practiced as an optometrist in the military and who currently hold a license (in good standing) from another U.S. state or jurisdiction involves applying for licensure by endorsement. Please review the relevant statutes, rules, and policies, including but not limited to:

Overall, veteran and military applicants must meet the requirements for endorsement outlined in statute and Rule 1.11. However, Policy 20-5 allows for the Board - at its discretion - to approve endorsement applicants who have not passed certain parts of the National Board of Examiners in Optometry (NBEO) exam. Additionally, Policy 20-6:

  • specifies that military experience applies towards requirements for active engagement in the practice of optometry,
  • allows for the demonstration of the required 24 months of active practice over the previous 36 months (as opposed to only over the previous 24 months), and
  • provides examples of documentation of relevant military experience, education, or training.

Applicants should also review the Optometrist Application Checklist.

Other helpful information for veterans and members of the military can be found on DORA's main Military and Veterans Programs site. This website also contains information for relocated military spouses.

If you have questions on licensing of veterans or members of the military, please contact stephanie.bray@state.co.us