For Pharmacies
Colorado Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) Registration and Data Submission Requirements
Please download and review the Colorado PDMP Registration and Data Requirements document for Colorado PDMP registration information and instructions.
Exemptions and waivers may be allowed in the following instances:
- Pharmacies with DEA registrations but do not dispense controlled substance prescriptions to Colorado patients.
- Hospital Pharmacies that do not dispense more than a 24-hour supply of a controlled substance to an outpatient. (Inpatient dispensing transactions do not need to be reported.)
- Pharmacies that dispense controlled substances solely for Institutional Review Board (IRB) approved interventional research trials using investigational drug products that are regulated by the Federal Food and Drug Administration.
- Pharmacies that are not computerized.
- Pharmacies without DEA Registrations.
If the pharmacy meets one of the above criteria for an Exemption/Waiver from PDMP reporting, please complete the above EXEMPTION/WAIVER Form and submit the form to the email address (preferred), fax, or mailing address listed on the form.
For Consumers
Request Your Patient Report
If you wish to obtain a copy of your own data transmitted to the Colorado Prescription Drug Monitoring Program, please complete this confidential Patient Information Form and submit it to the Colorado State Board of Pharmacy at the email (preferred), fax, or address on the form. Please remember to include a copy of the front and back of your driver’s license or state-issued identification card. Upon receipt of your request, the requested information will be reviewed and emailed to you within 5 to 10 business days.
Notarized Release for Patient Report to be Shared With a Third Party
If you wish to have your confidential PDMP patient report shared with a third party, please complete this Notarized Release and have the release form notarized. You will also need to submit the above Patient Information Request Form along with a copy of the front and back of your driver's license or state-issued identification card.
For Research and Education
The Colorado State Board of Pharmacy may provide de-identified data from the Colorado Prescription Drug Monitoring Program to qualified personnel of a public or private entity for the purpose of bona fide research or education, pursuant to a written agreement.
Please complete the following form and checklist and email (preferred), fax, or mail the completed copies to the contact information listed on the form. Upon receipt of a completed request, the request for an agreement for de-identified data from the Colorado Prescription Drug Monitoring Program may be reviewed by the Program Director, or may be scheduled for review by the Colorado State Board of Pharmacy at one of its regularly scheduled meetings.
For Law Enforcement
If you require data from the Colorado Prescription Drug Monitoring Program as part of a bona fide investigation, please complete the appropriate form and submit it to the Colorado State Board of Pharmacy at the contact information listed on the form. Please remember to include the official court order or subpoena.
For Third Party Representatives of a Deceased or Incapacitated Individual
If you are an individual submitting a request on behalf of another individual who is the recipient of a controlled substance prescription and is incapacitated or deceased, please complete and submit the Third Party Patient Request Form and include:
1) A copy of the original document establishing a medical durable power of attorney of the individual submitting the request for the individual who is the recipient of the controlled substance prescription(s); or, a copy of the original document appointing the individual submitting the request as the personal representative of the estate of the deceased individual who is the recipient of the controlled substance prescription(s).
2) Valid photographic identification of the individual submitting the request.
3) If the third-party representative of a deceased or incapacitated individual wishes to have the PDMP patient report shared with their attorney or another party, the representative must also complete and submit the Notarized Release for Patient Report to Share PDMP Patient Report form (found above in the "For Consumers" section).
For Out-of-State Prescribers in a State that Does Not Share PDMP Data with Colorado
If you are an out-of-state prescriber practicing in a state that does not share PDMP data with Colorado and have a need to access Colorado PDMP patient information, please complete and submit the Non-Colorado Prescribers Request Form along with valid photographic identification.