Opioid Guidelines Stakeholder Meeting Aug. 27
The Division of Professions and Occupations hosted a stakeholder meeting to discuss possible updates to the Guidelines for the Safe Prescribing and Dispensing of Opioids on Friday, August 27, 2021, at 10 a.m.
The Division and the state Pharmacy, Medical, Dental, Nursing, Podiatry, Optometry, and Veterinary Boards are seeking public feedback on the Guidelines to identify what, if any, updates are needed. This may include, but is not limited to, possible updates related to prescribing and dispensing opioids to pediatric patients, updates to the resources available to prescribers and dispensers within the Guidelines, and any other updates needed to align the Guidelines with current best practices.
Several additional opportunities for stakeholder engagement will be provided. If you could not attend the Aug. 27 meeting and/or wish to make written comments, you may email your written comments to dora_dpo_opioid_policy@state.co.us.
Rulemaking hearing on Sept. 30
The State Board of Pharmacy voted to initiate rulemaking at its July 15, 2021 meeting on various topics, including Rule 23 that governs the PDMP. The rulemaking hearing was held Thursday, Sept. 30 at 9 a.m.
Tutorials Available on PDMP Use, Registration
In collaboration with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, the Division of Professions and Occupations hosted four brief PDMP webinars in July and August 2020. These events provided additional information and answered questions on the topics covered in the above tutorials to help licensees and their teams navigate the PDMP account registration process and effectively use the PDMP. Please see the links below to view the recorded webinars.
Quick reference guides for prescribers and delegates were created regarding the PDMP accounts and key features and functions of the PMP AWARxE web portal that may be accessed here.
PDMP Task Force Annual Reports Available
The PDMP Task Force Force Annual Reports submitted to the Legislature annually as mandated in Section 12-280-409 are available on the General Assembly Statutory Reports website. This report examines issues, opportunities, and weaknesses of the program, including how personal information is secured in the program and whether inclusion of personal identifying information in the program and access to that information is necessary. It also makes recommendations to the DORA Executive Director on ways to make the program a more effective tool for practitioners and pharmacists in order to reduce prescription drug misuse in this state.
Colorado Consortium Newsroom
Visit the Newsroom of the Colorado Consortium for Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention for recent media stories, reports, press releases, and other items related to the prescription drug abuse epidemic.
PDMP Delegate Training Video
A training video is available to show prescribers and pharmacists how to set up delegate accounts for the PDMP. Any prescriber or pharmacist can create up to three delegate accounts for trained individuals who can check the PDMP on the prescriber or pharmacist's behalf. You can utilize the PDMP more frequently to get the most complete medical history possible.
View the video now or access it via the "New Delegate Training Video!" button on this site's homepage.